Medicare is not just for retirees, Medicare advantage plans 2022 are available to people who are over the age of 65, disabled, or have end stage renal disease. These plans are eligible only through the federal government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Medicare Advantage Plans can offer an alternative to some of the restrictive aspects of Original Medicare, such as out-of-pocket expenses, medical supply expenses, and deductibles. Medicare Advantage Plans may also offer more competitive pricing on drug coverage than on Original Medicare. So what do you think? Should you consider a Medicare Advantage Plan for 2022?
What Is Medicare?
Medicare is the federal health insurance program that provides hospital and medical coverage. If you are over 65, disabled, or have end-stage renal disease, you can choose to be in a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Original Medicare is available only through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. However, there are some benefits of having a Medicare Advantage Plan such as:
-Tighter restrictions on out-of-pocket costs
-Flexible drug coverage
-More competitive pricing on drugs
Are You eligible For A Medicare Advantage Plan?
Medicare Advantage plans are available to people who are age 65 or older, disabled, or have end stage renal disease. In order to qualify for a Medicare Advantage Plan, you must meet the following requirements:
– You must be eligible for Original Medicare or Medicare Part A and Part B
– You cannot have filed for bankruptcy in the past 10 years
– Your income must be below $16,000
If you aren’t eligible for a Medicare Advantage Plan, but you’re considering going on Original Medicare instead of a plan, then that’s also an option. If your income is above $16,000 and you don’t anticipate your health care costs will be significantly different than if you go on a plan, then Original Medicare may not be worth it.
Why ConsiderA Medicare Advantage Plan?
Medicare Advantage Plans can offer an alternative to some of the restrictive aspects of Original Medicare. For example, if you have a high-deductible plan and your prescription drug coverage is not as comprehensive, a Medicare advantage plans 2022 may be able to provide more comprehensive coverage at a lower cost.
The plans also offer more competitive pricing on drug coverage than on Original Medicare. So what do you think? Should you consider a Medicare Advantage Plan for 2022?
Considerations ForThose WithDisabilitiesOr End-StageRenalDisease
When you’re deciding if a Medicare Advantage Plan is right for you, there are a few things to consider. The biggest consideration is whether or not you have one of the qualifying conditions that qualify you for this plan.
Some of the other considerations include if your health care needs change over time and how takes away the stress of potentially high out-of-pocket expenses.
For those with disability or end-stage renal disease, these plans can be a viable option because they offer lower premiums and co-pays than what Original Medicare does. Because these plans have much more affordable costs, they may be worth considering for those with disabilities or end-stage renal disease in 2022.