3 Important Milestones in Your Child’s Development

If your little prince is heading off to kindergarten soon, you can expect to experience more fascination in near future. Here are important milestones that lie ahead.

1. Physical Development

When it comes to physical development, there are both gross motor and fine motor development involved.

While every kid develops at a different pace, certain milestones can be expected from most of the kids to achieve by their fifth birthday.

By the 5th year of age, most children can show majority of the gross motor skills. They can run, jump high and climb on the best swing and slide set at Step2 Direct,and do more advanced actions like gymnastics, ballet or karate.

A 5-year old can even write her name or draw a triangle, and often has the dominance of left or right hand by now. (However, some kids still remain ambidextrous at this age).

Image Source: step2direct.com.au

2. Health

Your kid will be stepping into kindergarten; hence it’s essential that he’s given all the required immunisations. His paediatrician can guide you in this matter.

After the doctor examines to see if any vaccinations are required, your baby will be measured and weighed.

A 5-year old child typically grows around two inches and gains around four pounds during the year.

Hearing and vision tests will also be performed along with a blood examination for lead poisoning and a tuberculosis test.

The doctor will ask your kid a few questions to check the progress in her speech, to see if there is any sign of impediment or delay, and how fine and gross motor skills are on track.

Your baby might even be playing sports now withquality kids sports toys from Step2 Direct and there is a risk of dental injury.

If your little one’s tooth is broken, chipped or knocked out, get in touch with your paediatric dentist at once. This way, the tooth can be saved and infection may be prevented.

If the tooth is knocked out, rinse the wound with cool water and replace it if you can in the socket right away (hold it there if necessary with clean gauze).

If you are not able to put it back, place it in a container with water, cold milk or saliva. Then head to the doctor.

Baby teeth must not be replanted due to the possibility of consequent damage to the developing permanent tooth, as per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Image Courtesy: step2direct.com.au

3. Nutrition

You don’t need to change the portion sizes from the previous year. She won’t be able to handle adult portions. Keep them manageable and keep snacking to a minimum.

Children at this age tend to fill up on snacks which meddle with mealtimes. According to certified nutritionists, children should be given three meals and two healthy snacks a day.

You can expand your kid’s horizons when it comes to eating. Make her try new healthy foods.

Be sure to limit items containing high amounts of sugar and fat, and stress more on vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products and lean meats.

So, are you ready for the new exciting milestones in your kid’s development?

About Dwight V. Bartholomew

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