8 Tips On How To Safely Move To Your New House During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Moving into a new home is challenging in itself. Doing it in the time of a pandemic makes it more effortful and difficult. To help you make a safe, seamless, and stress-free move, we’re rounding up eight essential tips — from planning accordingly and practicing hygiene to hiring one of the most dependable moving companies in Manassas VA.

Manage your expectations. Because of the many adjustments that the national government and states have to make, you should expect delays — in hunting for a new house, in the home-buying process, and in the moving itself. Manage your expectations as different parties are involved in ensuring that you can find and get to your new place without any hiccups.

Have a fool-proof game plan. Now more than ever, the importance of having a plan — and a backup plan — is underscored. From having a flexible timeline to getting help from one of the most credible moving companies in Manassas VA, having everything laid out from the get-go is necessary if you don’t want to experience headache-causing hassles.

Schedule your move strategically. If you want to move during the pandemic, take note that timing matters. Ask yourself: Do you need to move now, or can it wait? If you have to, book a schedule early on. However, you need to observe the current situation. You might need to postpone if COVID cases are rising in your new place or if someone within your household is experiencing COVID symptoms.

Choose a reputable moving company. When choosing moving companies in Manassas VA during the pandemic, choose a business that is flexible and is strict in implementing safety protocols. As much as possible, team up with a moving firm that offers no-contact moving services and paperless transactions.

Don’t be shy about asking questions. What is your movers’ policy for schedule changes? How are they ensuring your staff and clients’ safety throughout the moving process? Do they accept refunds during these uncertain times? These are vital questions that need to be answered before you ink any deal with a moving company.

Give yourself time to pack safely. Experts advise avoiding recycling materials. Instead, you should use brand-new packing supplies when moving in the time of the pandemic. Because packing is a time-consuming activity, make sure to give yourself enough time to pack your belongings and get rid of those you won’t be bringing along. Make sure to your stuff and your materials as you pack.

Be strict in observing health protocols. On the day of the move, it’s important to follow health and safety protocols seriously. Wear face masks, face shields, and gloves, and observe social distancing. Always use a disinfectant and wash your hands once you arrive at your home.

Disinfect home before unpacking and settling in. Having a safe move doesn’t end in transporting your things to your new place. Once you’re there, disinfect your new house and your belongings as well. Also, you have to know the standard procedures should someone from the moving team or your household start exhibiting symptoms after the move.

Mi-Box is one of the most trusted moving companies in Manassas VA today. Whether you need help to get to your new home or place of business, we can help! Contact us today.

About Dwight V. Bartholomew

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