Different Methods Of Cleaning Grout Between Floor Tiles

When your bathroom floor gets dirty, it’s not a pretty sight. It might be tempting to let the grime pile up, but smart homeowners know that a clean bathroom is worth its weight in cold, especially in areas that tend to be damp, cold, and prone to mold growth. So, what’s the best way to tackle the age-old problem of grouting? Thankfully, there are a few different tacks you can take, depending on your level of squeamishness. All it takes to keep bathroom and kitchen tile clean is consistency, some bleach, and a little elbow grease. If you’re trying to keep your tiles clean and grime-free with the help of a grout cleaning Chesterfield, VA service, here are some of the best ways to keep your floors looking spotless in no time.

1.The Tried-and-True Method

Anyone who’s had the pleasure of cleaning their kitchen recently will tell you that grouting isn’t the easiest job, but it doesn’t have to be back-breaking as long as you’re using the right tools. For this method, you’ll need a simple solution for three-parts baking soda and one-part water. You mix this by hand until it forms a thick paste. Put on some gloves before applying the paste to the areas you want to tackle–this stuff might technically be all-natural, but that doesn’t mean you want to get your hands dirty with it. Spread the paste evenly in between tiles and let it sit for a bit. While you’re waiting, mix up a solution that’s equal parts water and white vinegar. You’ll use this to spray and activate the paste, creating a foaming, bubbly reaction that will help do some of the harder work for you. From there, attack your tiles with a scrub brush or a more precise cleaning instrument for detail work, such as an unused toothbrush. Mop the floor with some water to clean up, and enjoy your sparkling new floors.

  1. Try the Harder Stuff

Perhaps you’re dealing with the kind of tough stains that aren’t so easily erased by a simple homemade solution. That’s when you need to bring out tougher ingredients like bleach to really scour your tiles and get that stubborn grime out of there. For this method, you’ll need two tablespoons of oxygenated bleach, mixed with two cups of water. Be careful if you’re treating colored grout, however. The bleach may prove too strong for some tiles. Do a test run before dousing the whole floor with the solution. This should give you a sense of how strong the mixture is and whether it’s capable of damaging your floors. If all goes well, pour your solution onto the floor and attack the grout with a toothbrush or floor scrubber. If you want even more cleaning power, try dipping your toothbrush in bleach. Rinse everything with water and go over it with a mop after you’re done.

  1. Bring Out the Big Guns

Got stains that are even more stubborn? It’s time to get serious. Creating a solution made of hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and baking soda will help you get that spotless clean and kill all that harmful bacteria that are no doubt lurking between your tiles. Start with ¼ of a cup of hydrogen peroxide, ¾ of a cup of baking soda, and a teaspoon of gentle dish soap. Mix the solution together to form a paste. Use a scrub brush to apply and wait for 15 minutes. The baking soda should cause a bubbling reaction within a few minutes. Wait until the bubbling stops before cleaning. This is how you’ll know the baking soda has done its job. If you’re not seeing a lot of foam, cautiously add a bit more baking soda. Just don’t overdo it: it’s going to make cleanup a lot harder. After the bubbling stops, scrub your tiles and rinse with some warm water and a mop.

  1. Steam It Out

Steam is any homeowner’s best friend. It can take care of a multitude of sins, not just regarding the dirtier parts of the kitchen or bathroom, but in terms of carpeting and hard-to-clean areas of the home as well. For grouting, steam can be helpful before cleaning as a way to loosen and list the greasier stains on your tiles. If you don’t have a steam cleaner at home, no sweat. You can rent one at your local home improvement store, or even a nearby supermarket. Before using your steamer, always pay close attention to the instructions before going at it. You may think you get the gist, but you don’t want to run the risk of hurting your floors even more. Once you have a handle on how to work the machine, fill it with water and give the machine a few minutes to heat up. Meanwhile, you can start applying cleaning solution to your tiles to make the process even easier. Just don’t put your cleaning solutions directly into the machine, unless you want to deal with fees and a malfunctioning steamer. Once your steamer is hot, go over your floors thoroughly. After you’re done, wipe up the debris with some water and a mop. Just be careful: if you have sealed grout, the machine could end up doing some damage. If you’re not sure whether or not your tiles are sealed or unsealed, stick to the DIY solutions before getting out your steamer.

  1. Call a Professional

Sometimes, dirt and grime are just too tough for us to totally eradicate by ourselves. There’s no shame in calling in a professional for help, especially if you’ve been trying to scrub out some seriously stubborn stains on your own to no avail. If you want to have your floors professionally treated, make sure they can handle the impact of serious, heavy chemicals, or opt for a green cleaning company that won’t use anything that’s too harsh or non-organic. Again, if your tile is colored or your grout is sealed, you’re going to want to be more cautious with who choose to treat your floors. If you’re worried about damage, schedule a phone call ahead of time to let your cleaning service know about the specifics of your kitchen or bathroom setup.

About Dwight V. Bartholomew

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